City Of Ghosts - A Book Review

City Of Ghosts - A Book Review

Hi, I’m Ryleigh. Things you should know about me is that I read A LOT! One of my dreams is to turn a space we have into a library for kids, with all the books i’ve collected over the last few years. Some have been gifts from those who are also lovers of books and collecting and others are ones I’ve bought.

I like collecting older books rather than newer prints because I think the older prints are more captivating especially with how they look and feel when I’m holding them. I really like to hunt for books. If I’m missing one in a series I’m starting to collect, I head over to my favorite places to look.

My favorite places to hunt for books are mostly Goodwill because there are no promises the books are there and when they are, I scream up and down in excitement! It’s also exciting too because they are usually 50 cents!

I also really love The Book Barn because we only go on special occasions when we are in the area. Usually when we go there are new books to look through.

On monday I was at Barnes and Nobles and was looking in my area and I saw this book that caught my eye. It was called, City Of Ghosts. The cover looked really interesting so I picked it up and read the back. I saw that the author was A New York Times Bestselling Author and I really like those types of books. I read the back and saw that the first few lines are a mystery and you have to read the book to figure it out.

My favorite part in the book is when Lara told Cass that she was a ghost hunter and that they send them on when they are struck in the veil. They send them on by making them look into a mirror and saying - watch and listen, see and know, this is what you are. Then it showed them when they died and what happened and they had to accept what they saw. Lara then had to pull the ribbon that holds them to earth so that they can leave and cross over into the beyond.

Overall I really like this book. It’s probably one of my favorites other than Harry Potter.

I will be buying the second book in the series called - Tunnel Of Bones very soon - so stay tuned.

This is Ryleigh & keep reading on & that’s saying something because I always do.