Grand Canyon Hike | Phantom Ranch | Dairy Entries

Grand Canyon Hike | Phantom Ranch | Dairy Entries

May 5, 2021

Started at South Kaibab Trail 5:40 am

Arrived at Phantom Ranch 2 pm

Tip off had a big shelter from the sun & the only open bathrooms on this trail.

Found 2 young hikers out of water here. Gave them 1 liter of coconut water & prayers of safe travels.

Started to really feel the 100 degree heat around noon. Every spot in the canyon that had shade we stopped - took off gear, ate, drank & rested.

Mom fell twice - not bad falls.

Last 2 miles were harsh. Made it over The Black Bridge & could barely keep walking.

We stopped at a big tree by the river in some shade. We knew we had to keep walking otherwise we probably would have spent the night there. haha. So so so exhausted.

Stopped at Bright Angel Campground for rest. Soaked our hats, scarf & shirts in the water from the sink in the bathroom.

Then slowly made our way the last .4 miles to Phantom Ranch.

Had a nap in the cabin.

5 pm steak dinner. Got wifi to send Tony a message.

8 pm opened wine & sat outside till dark.

Went to bed 9:30 pm.

May 6, 2021

Woke up 4:45 am SORE

Need to keep moving. Had some advil, bloody nose & woke up with my voice mostly gone.

Drank water.

Coffee at the Canteen 5am (Phantom Ranch “restaurant”)

Took a walk and saw pomagrante trees + mama fig tree.

6:30 am breakfast & more walking.

8 am vistit Ranger Station to lance moms blister - HUGE - they say they see them all the time.

She feels better.

We found a shoe graveyard where people leave shoes they no longer need or they are found. It is for folks whose shoes got destroyed on the hike down and need a new pair or in my moms case - couldn’t put her hiking boots on. We found one pair of water shoes for her.

Nap then lunch - salad leftover + tuna & dried apple.

Hiked to the bridge down North Kaibab Trail - got in the creek.

Reserved mules for saturday - it’s called a dragout when you can’t make it back up after hiking down. 1,000 per person but we had a discount because of moms work.

Shower & nap 3 pm

dinner 5 pm

Wine & chat till 8:30 pm - Deep chat about Elisabeth & Dad

May 7, 2021 - Our 4 year wedding anniversary!

6 am wake up

Breakfast & coffee 6:30 am

Signed release for our mule rides out for tomorrow. We can only carry a small bag of stuff with us & the rest goes on a different mule ride that will meet us up there.

We got 2 special 1 liter bottles for water.

Went on a hike to cross Silver Bridge through Bright Angel Campground.

Went to boat beach & dipped in the water - about 50 degrees - chilly!

Saw the raft folks who were stopping at Phantom Ranch for a rest. They have been boating for 23 days.

Stayed for a while on the beach then hiked back.

4 miles today.

Got iced tea & ate lunch. Leftover salad + tuna - then a nap.

Went for a walk by the river and saw tiny fish & dragonflies.

6 pm had employee dinner. YUMMMM!!!!

Salmon, cauliflower + mac with peppers.

Watched a family of Mule Deer for awhile as the sun set.

Packed for mule ride & popped moms blisters but they kept filling up.


May 8, 2021

5:30 am wake up - packed to head out. Coffee & breakfast.

Mule ride 7:30 am - 12:30 pm

Was rough in the beginning. I was super nervous but then I got the hang of it. Sanza was my mules name.

Got to meet Joe who repairs all the leather saddles & makes all the chaps, belts & all the leather supplies at the South Rim. Super cool! Even got to see where the mules get their shoes replaced! He let me take a few home for the kids. Found out they still do mule rides up and down the canyon during the winter. In order to do that they weld extra metal balls onto the bottom for grip. Yikes!

Got dinner - pizza + wings

Watched #travel (good show!)

Edited pictures then bed.

That’s a wrap for my big trip to Arizona for our hike into the canyon! Thanks for following along. XOXO

My Great Grandfather Was A Photographer

My Great Grandfather Was A Photographer

Phantom Ranch | Grand Canyon | Mule ride up

Phantom Ranch | Grand Canyon | Mule ride up