Our nature fix :: late winter edition

Our nature fix :: late winter edition

When it’s 50 degrees in February, we go hiking. We decided to venture to a park we haven’t been to in years!

It’s worth mentioning that if you have small kids and you’re not a fan of a traditional playground - this park is for you! A short walk through the woods leads you to a playground surrounded by trees and a forest floor.


On the trail you will discover some bridges & log stairs. It’s late into winter so it’s possible to find some early spring treasures. Off the beaten path we located early skunk cabbage. We saw one and then it quickly became a game to us, as we skipped through the moss and leaped over the streams - we discovered so many!

No smell yet! Safe to check out - up close

No smell yet! Safe to check out - up close

There are also campsites with these very cool lean tos. Check out the unique look of the natural split logs they used!

There’s no mention of camping on their site but we have used the area for fires and group gatherings.


Then we made it to this beautiful meadow where we discovered cattails! We witnessed one explode and we had to go check it out!


They explode when they are mature enough to disperse their seeds.

So if you ask me - we discovered them on just the right day.


This is how our family learns. Either through experience, or an idea and then we continue learning in anyway we can! Through our own research we discovered that we can use the seeds for filling pillows, tinder for fire starting and many more uses throughout each season!


Have you experienced exploding cattails? Leave a comment below! I would love to hear about your most memorable time in nature as well! This was for sure one of ours.

Thanks for reading!


DIY :: How to Mount a Staghorn Fern

DIY :: How to Mount a Staghorn Fern

The nature loving child

The nature loving child