Life unscheduled

Life unscheduled

“Get very clear about the kind of world we would like and then start living that way.”

Marshall B. Rosenberg

This quote fires me up!

Choose what you want to do & do it. Do it because that’s the change you want to see in the world.

That’s my perception.

& my goodness everything is unfolding around us in just this way.

We had a dream and it’s all slowly coming together. Such a beautiful thing to witness.

This week I’m sharing updates on the homestead and my perception of it all.

Enjoy & welcome!

The Garden House

A week ago I was inspired to build this pine house for the kids. We call it the garden house because it’s in the middle of our lawn near our giant plot of soon to be garden.

We were watching out our dining room window and saw a Robin fly by with a long piece of string! We noticed he was flying to the corner of the garden house!

While he was getting more nesting materials we went and looked. Sure enough he had built an entire nest!

A few days later we discovered eggs!


The Land

We just recently bought our home this past fall - so we had no idea what would be popping up in the spring.

Everything has been a surprise.

This land is abundant with so many plants!

We have thousands of violets which we plan to pick soon and make goodies.

We just discovered tons of Lily of the valley - which are starting to pop up now. So excited to soak those babies in oil. We used to have to forage for these at a local park but not anymore!

I’m excited to have a plot of land that is already useful! Our plan is to have more edible land then grass.

We plan to offer so much to the community and I’m witnessing the threads come together before my very eyes.


I’m building a pergola!

I’m so excited! I demolished a raised bed that came with the house and then I was inspired to make this! It’s not finished but it will be the length of the fence.

My luffa gourd plants will be going here along with some veggies.

If all goes well with that I will be offering McCabe Homesteading Days - in this case it would be to learn about luffa gourds and an opportunity to purchase your own local grown luffa!

This is where that quote comes in!!

It may seem like all work and no play here, but believe me there is a lot of play happening

The kids now have a quad to share & they are getting really good! So good in fact as you can see in the picture - Quinn’s whole body is in the air from hitting our jump. Making a track is now on the list to border our property.


Chicken update

Our chicks are now outside! WAHOO! We are going to be bringing in A TON more eggs when these gals start to lay.

They have their own inside area along with a seperate outside fenced in. When they are full grown we will introduce them to our other flock.


&& it was our wedding anniversary yesterday! 10 years together with 3 of those married.

When they say time goes by fast - it totally does.

Through ups and downs we have always managed to come out on top.

Through conflict - we face it it head on and make a plan for what’s needed to change.

I’ll save our love story for another time but it feels good to feel good! Feel me? Especially when it comes to family. I feel like anything can come at us and we would tackle it head on and continue the journey of life.

This. This right here is what we choose everyday. We choose to wake up & put in the work - in all areas of our lives. We want community + sustainability because that’s what we want to see more of in the world.

Are you clear about the type of world you want to live in? & how can you start living that way TODAY?

Thank you for reading!

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