Go ahead - shame them

Go ahead - shame them

It’s confusion central out there.

Some people believe the data does not add up with the virus. Leaving us wondering what’s the holdup on continuing to open the country. Most are aware there is some type of sickness making its rounds and some fear for their lives. There are people out there who are feeling safe enough to visit with friends and those who still have not left their house.

So much bullying, name calling & shaming I have witnessed over the last few months.

Interesting to note that when we are feeling lonely especially during this isolation period - our brain can go into flight or fight response much faster & we can see others as a threat to our well being. Which means we are more likely to lash out at them - then to have a decent conversation.

hmm I can see this downward spiral just keep going and going.

So what can we do about it?

First off we’re going to talk about shame & empathy.

When we shame someone - it creates immediate disconnection.

Of course right?!

But when we choose empathy - well - it creates connection!


I have dropped into my heart space and have been there far too long to ever be ok with hearing others shame each other on any topic.

There is currently no other option other than to speak out about it.

& if you see it happening - stand up with me and put an end to it.

I wonder if people have forgotten that there will never be one path for all.

Although we are somewhat in a new type of world where if we are not doing exactly what the government tells us to do we are shamed.


Personal responsibility has turned into public responsibility.

If your not wearing a mask - you are assumed to be killing everyone.

If you are wearing a mask - you are assumed to be a sheep following orders.

Do you see there is no winning here? I mean honestly.

What if the one not wearing a mask has (insert medical condition of your choice)?

& we see them out and about.

Is it really ok to shame them? Is it really ok to call them names? Heck no!

I get being tossed into solitary confinement alone or with your family has had its effects but there is only one way out. Choose empathy. There is more to the story then you or I know.

Don’t even get me started on children. Do you really think I enjoy going to the grocery store where the majority of people look at me with disgust because they think my kids are a walking disease? Do you know I have to amp myself up to even go out? (masked or not)

I bet not.


Maybe these people aren’t the ones reading this but my god if you are - would it kill you to have a little compassion for the mother whose husband has never stopped working?

Pretty sure we all have stories to tell.

& please do. I will never tell you your story isn’t important because there are worse problems out there.

(& yes I have seen this argument all over the place)

How can we hold space for our world’s problems if we can’t hold space for our own & loved ones?


Bottom line is this… what if everyone is doing the absolute best they can while also knowing they have the freedom to choose? That - it is ok to feel one way and also feel the exact opposite. Knowing there is no right or wrong / black or white side & in order to create connection in a very disconnected society is to know there is more to the story.

Don’t take your anger out at the person choosing differently than yourself. Instead look inside and ask yourself why that other person is not worthy of your respect because they are choosing differently.

Thanks for reading my thoughts! Now let’s discuss.


Rebellion is as much of a cage as obedience is. They both mean living in reaction to someone else's way instead of forging your own. Freedom is not being for or against an ideal, but creating your own existence from scratch.” Glennon Doyle

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