Life as we knew it

Life as we knew it

Parents all over are stressed.

The required amount of work to do at home is too much for them & their kids.

Whether it’s about the amount of time spent actually doing it or just the work itself.

I wonder if we are starting to see just how it feels to be in their shoes.

The teacher’s shoes. The kid’s shoes.

We are getting a dose of what our school systems require our youth to learn.

Maybe we are being reminded just how hard spending 8 hours at school is. Teacher to teacher, class to class.

The only difference is their schooling is at home - for us to see.

So now I ask… Is this virus here to open our eyes to the many truths of our failing matrix system?

Will it all go back to normal after this is over?

How are the children feeling?

Truly, how are they feeling?

What about you?

No matter how many times this is dubbed homeschooling - it is not. Which I think a lot people are starting to see if they didn’t before.

Kids do not learn when their world is in a state of fear. I beg to question how much are kids really learning as we try to teach during a virus crisis?

How easy is it for us to create a calm environment when the grocery stores are bare or the extra precautions we are currently taking to protect our health.

I see friends start to pull their kids out of school. Lowering the workload and lowering their schooling expectations.

Maybe we are being called to connect. Face our shadows. Sit in the silence - heavy with truths.

God forbid our kids stop receiving direction from their school.

That they become bored.

God forbid their mind clears and they discover what it’s truly like to have an ounce of freedom.

To be home more or to decide what they want to learn.

We homeschooled before this all went down and I can tell you - we have stopped doing a lot of our school work. It was easy because we learn out in the world and well - the world is shut down currently. I was not about to try and watch all the videos + up our schooling just because we had the extra home time.

What I did do was ask myself how I could support them and my family in this confusing time.

I know it seems like there isn’t a choice here but I promise you - there is always a choice.

Make what you can of this time & let the rest fall completely to the side. No expectations.

How did this land for you?


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