Sitting with the empty :: home renovations

Sitting with the empty :: home renovations

House projects haven’t always come easy to me. I noticed about a year ago that the problems I faced tackling a project went hand in hand with the problems I faced in my everyday life.

Lets also add in - learning lessons & having breakthroughs.

Each one is always different from the last.

All the growth happens when I put in the work.


I’m talkin spiritual. If everything is connected that means our home is connected to us. The rooms in our home are connected to us. The colors we choose - are us!

I was getting ready to redo our bedroom when I felt so consumed by the stuff I had in there that I just couldn’t envision what I wanted. Yup you guessed it - it was overrun with plants haha!

That is when I decided to clear the whole space out except our bed.


I relate this to whenever we want to start something new. We have to create the space for that new to even begin!


That is the sweet spot. Sitting in the empty. ahhhh the empty. I have learned to sit with the empty except this time I was literally sitting in an empty room. You following?

When we sit in the empty - mind, body & soul - it makes room for ideas. Beautiful ideas that would have had a hard time coming if we didn’t make space for it.


So here I am in my room - of course having a break through and I get flashes of ideas. So many ideas. But here is the next step.

Patience. Patience. Patience.

Patience gives us time to think it over. Patience gives us time to say yes or no. Patience creates the space for the perfect idea to come through. So I took a few days. Sat on my bed and again sat in the empty.

I said yes to a few ideas during this time & no to others that didn’t fit.

I could say this about my life as well. Ideas & gifts come at the time when we have created space for them.

Hot damn isn’t that just the coolest!?!?

So here’s me just bringing you a deeper meaning to all those projects that are happening.

I used to struggle so much with designing a room. Moving furniture around all the time to now - just allowing myself to hold empty + have patience before action.


So when you start redoing your home let me know! I want to take house calls! Haha! How fun would that be!?

Thanks for reading


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