Our mindful home :: Creative living with kids

Our mindful home :: Creative living with kids

I’m talking mindfulness + creating spaces which wake our senses!

& I’m here to share how we live a creative lifestyle with kids + how simple & important it is.

We all know that dreaded sentence when our kids come to us, “I’m bored, what do I do?”

I used to tell them there is no such thing as being bored because for me - I’m so crammed with inspiration and a list of goals + projects, that I don’t even have that word in my language.

Of course telling them that there is no such thing as boredom does nothing but make them frustrated.

So I decided to pay attention to their inspiration & make note of what they are currently into or wanting to get into. So that during those times of boredom - they have a list of possible ideas to spark them back into that creative mode.

My daughter Ryleigh has already caught on and added playing with the dogs as her own boredom buster.


Crafting space :: Inside

Inside our home we have always had a space for pens, pencils, notebooks, coloring books, scrap, scissors and glue. I’ve experimented with keeping them in a cabinet because let’s be honest - this space is hard to keep clean. What I’ve noticed is that when these items are kept out in the open for them to see - they will use them more often.

I have recently started investing in adult coloring books. My kids seem to be more engaged and happy to take their time filling in the picture than the books advertised for kids. + I mean, come one - they are also way more beautiful to look at!

Setting up a cute little shelf with all the crafting supplies will for sure draw them in. This is my type of meditation as well! I enjoy this area of our home just as much as the kids. This is just one way to connect back to self along with activating our senses and using our hands!

Some days my kids start coloring a picture - then leave it to play outside, then come back a bit later and continue where they left off.

Providing this type of transitional activity - has smoothed out our days.

Crafting space :: Outside

We do a lot of hiking and exploring on new and familiar land to experience that heightened awareness that surrounds our senses. What I’ve noticed in myself and my kids is that when we do go out and explore - our inspiration kicks into high gear and when we come back home we are ready to dive into a project! Either continuing to learn about something we found or making a craft out of our nature finds.

I like to keep a bowl inside and outside for treasures found - there is a good chance they will pick that inspiration back up after a few days.

Now we are making our yard into a natural oasis, where we are all free to explore many different sounds, tastes, and textures. A space we can explore with our hands and build, cook and enjoy life in our very own yard. Which has been a long time coming! We have come from renting two different homes with a field for a yard. Now owning our own home - we are free to create our own exploring areas, right out our front door.

The plans to make our wild oasis

  • Grow plants that invite caterpillars + other wildlife

  • Grow fruit + veggies to munch on

  • Bean pole teepees for a fun hideaway

  • Possibly a pond

  • Ropes and swings attached to a sturdy branch

  • Fire pit for community + family events

  • Sand + mud area with loose parts (mud kitchen!)

When we create spaces that wake our senses, it brings us back into the present moment, where we feel alive and well. You all know we are an exploring + hiking family but lately I’ve been all about taking the essence from our mindful hikes and bringing it home.

create an atmosphere of inspiration

So go out into the world, learn, craft & discover and then bring that back to your own home. Fill your space with love made from your own hands. Make a space for your kids to craft and explore - inside & outside. When they feel bored they might just be looking for a connection but also they might just need that little spark of wonder to shoot them into feeling alive.

mmm FEELING ALIVE… As always my loves thank you for reading. Please like + share with a friend. Leave a comment if you have other mindful + creative ideas! I’d love to hear about it!


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