Top homeschool + parenting books

Top homeschool + parenting books

I have compiled a list of my favorite homeschool + parenting books that have left me feeling inspired, kept me on track, and even brought me back from the depths of - what the heck am I doing here?

We all know those days - right?


My top 5 books with personal reviews

In no particular order, here we go…

Free to Learn : Why Unleashing the instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self - Reliant, and Better Students for Life

Peter Gray

Peter challenges modern, mainstream beliefs about education. This is a great first read if you are looking into homeschooling. He writes about unschooling, the power of play and why it’s important to give children more time to just be and do on their own terms.

“Over the past half century or more we have seen a continuous erosion of children’s freedom to play and, corresponding with that, a continuous decline in young people’s mental and physical health. If this trend continues, we are in serious danger of producing generations of future adults who cannot find their own way in life.”

The book will light a fire under your bum! Years ago some friends and I had a book chat after reading Free to Learn - to say we were inspired is an under statement. Our one friend spent a few years putting these concepts to the test. She even helped us start a homeschool forest group that met in the same woods, with the same group of friends, once a week. She surprised us all by deciding to sell her home and move into the woods with her family not too long after. When I say into the woods - I literally mean into the woods for complete immersion.

Our group still continued to meet in the woods, once a week with the intention to step back and let the kids play, with minimal adult direction. It was also our intention to create this safe space for our children to be in the forest, together with other children of varying ages.

This book is thought provoking in a way that requires massive action and massive change to all areas of education.

& I felt it.

The Call of the Wild and Free : Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child’s Education

Ainsley Arment

Besides being truly inspired to just be and do in my own wild way, she also goes on to say that while this is important, it’s also important to allow our children to feel that same freedom.

Through her own stories - which by the way really touched my heart. I could feel her pain as she shares the story of watching her son ride away on the bus for the first day of school. Even the chapter of her watching the light from his eyes disappear as his school days became longer. Then of course her journey into homeschooling.

She dedicates a good chunk of the book for debunking homeschool myths. Which I loved! Such as the socialization myth, qualification myth, the learning myth and more.

Even if you have been homeschooling for a while, she really gives the reader a boost of confidence + positive encouragement through her words, story and heart.

“The Wild + Free movement is focused on a love of nature, reading great books, pursuing interests and hobbies, making the entire world a classroom, and prolonging the wonder of childhood.”


How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk

Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish

The title is everything! I’ts all about how to talk to your children so they actually listen & listen so they will talk! Soooo good!

If you are looking to not only develop a better relationship with your children but also to have better relationships all together with everyone in your life - this book is a must read.

I was talking to a friend the other day and realized just how important it is to learn how to listen to another human. Have you ever felt like someone wasn’t actually listening? Did you want to continue sharing your thoughts with them? Probably not. That is what this book is getting at. Creating a safe space for the other child/adult to share their thoughts and feelings.

Communication is the key to everything!

Even though this book is geared toward children - I definitely saw a parallel with the principals of Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg. In some ways even easier to understand.

The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home

Susan Wise Bauer & Jessie Wise

Don’t be put off by the title if you are more of an unschooling homeschooler. I say this because I was put off by the title. HA! This is not a causal read like these other books but more of a resource.

Also holy smokes this book is on sale right now on amazon! More then half off!

This is a classical pattern of education, which organizes learning around the maturing capacity of the child’s mind and comprises of three stages.

The book is in sections: elementary, logic, & rhetoric stage.

I absolutely love the layout of this book! I can look at where they are age wise and see some good suggested resources, such as weekly schedules, book ideas and more!

We have personally used it for the detailed book lists. Pages and pages of suggested book reading for further learning in each stage of maturity. Which I struggle with! We are mostly unschoolers! On those days were I’m looking for something to dive into with the kids, I know I can always look in this book for some inspiration.

Looking to be more organized or to double check to see the progress of your children? This is the book!

Connection Parenting: Parenting Through Connection Instead of Coercion, Through Love Instead of Fear

Pam Leo

Okay so this book is bomb! It’s not just a book… it’s also a workbook!

“What you know when you finish reading this book won’t be nearly as important to you or to your children as what you do when you finish this book.” so good - so good!

If you are like me and struggle with communication + emotions & coming out of your own childhood where you craved connection through love- this one is for you.

Through her chapters- you will be diving into simple concepts, reflecting on your own childhood and growing through your own experience.

Here’s another quote that I just love - “It is difficult for children to feel content and be relaxed when they are with adults who are not feeling content and relaxed.”

Her whole concept is about connecting with the child first before anything else.


This book is an amazing parent resource. This one is for any parent who is looking to add some really great tools to their belt.


That’s all folks! I’m excited to dive back into some of these titles! If you have any parenting or homeschooling books that you would recommend- please add them below!

Thanks for reading and following my blog journey!


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