Honton Island - Travel Schooling

Honton Island - Travel Schooling

One of the values I hold close when raising my kids is to actually visit the places we learn about in books + videos. We have been given opportunities to hit the road & do just that! For this writing piece I am reviewing and sharing my photography of a day trip to Honton Island in Volusia County.


To go out and experience different landscapes

To feel + hug the native trees

To witness the animals

& to be one with life in a new place

My favorite adventure we experienced during our trip in Florida was riding a ferry out to Honton Island. It was a short 2 minute ride over St. Johns River where there is a small store, bathrooms, a playground, and trails.

(completely free. That’s one thing I noticed. Floridia wants visitors! So many adventures are cheap to do or free.)

From here we were able to immerse ourselves in the flora and fauna of Honton Island. The palms. THE PALMS! They were so beautiful! The kids were climbing & stopping every five minutes to play. Living their best life. Eventually we picked up some speed and found ourselves at a waterway. There were these cool wood stalagmites - is all I can describe them as, on the shore.

We spotted a lizard and made some fairy houses. Luckily the gators were in a warmer part of Florida during the time we were visiting so we were able to really relax here.

There was a ton of Salvinia - which is a type of water lettuce that blankets the shores. It was the coolest! You could pick it up and it’s not attached to anything. We played here for a bit as we let our senses experience the bumpy leaves of this new to us plant.

Time was ticking and we needed to head back in order to catch the ferry. The kids split up and walked at their own pace. Some were ahead and some were behind. At one point we caught up to the kids further ahead who said there was an armadillo in the area that they just saw. We were able to catch a glimpse of his body before he ran for safety.

As we neared the end of our hike I was completely enthralled by the black vultures that were gathering on the shore & in the sky. They were everywhere. I spent a good 30 minutes snapping pictures and witnessing these amazing creatures. Their beautiful faces and their creepy vibe is what I was all about.

The wonder of it all. It’s what keeps us in the present moment.

I 100% recommend going to Honton Island if you are in the DeLand area of Florida! Even with the weather a bit chilly in February - we were warmed by the sun as we made our way down the trail.

Visit my prints page for a limited selection of photographs from this trip.

If you are looking for a specific one you see here & it is not listed- please email me through my contact us page & I will accommodate you the best I can.

Thanks for visiting! XOXO

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