We don't. We unschool.

We don't. We unschool.

Who remembers their favorite teacher in school? It was the fun one right?

The one seemingly bursting with life and very passionate about their subject?

& those other ones who were very strict on turning to page 52 and beginning the lesson. Eh - not so much.

Even my adult teachers! I am drawn to the same passionate ones. I am not looking to learn through a text book - I want you to see me, I want open communication, & I want connection.

On top of it all - I want learning to be exciting!

Doesnt everyone? Definitely correct me if i’m wrong. I may only be writing about myself here.


& before you say not all learning is or can be exciting. I beg to differ.

After this thinking thought I landed on these questions-

How can I create a lifestyle that is exciting?

How can I instill a love of learning?


I saw a post recently on a homeschool page where someone asked what others do to get their child to finish a lesson & what types of rewards they use.

My reply?

We don’t - we unschool.

& I am damn proud throughout all my childhood development research I have landed on this.

If you need to reward your child in this way especially with schooling - what is that going to teach her?

That if she completes what we want her to complete she gets a candy? That if she complies she gets to play outside?

I’ll tell you what this type of reward does to our kids.

They learn to not listen to their own inner drive. They learn to rely on an outside force telling them if they do something - they get something.

I feel like there is a whole generation of adults that if they complete a goal they buy themselves a reward.

What about just enjoying the feeling of accomplishment? Knowing their inner drive and nothing more helped them achieve their goal?

Otherwise what is really happening when we reward ourselves or our children for doing something? The focus becomes the reward.

Let’s back all the way up & ask ourselves these questions.

Is this task age appropriate?

Does she show an interest?


What ever happened to explaining the value of a task?

Natural consequences?

Rewards are nonexistent in our family. If I want to buy them something, I do it out of the kindness of my heart. If I want to take them somewhere fun, I do it because I love them.

Connection on this level is what I value. Who wants the end result to cloud their whole journey?

Don’t get me wrong there is definitely a time and place for paying them for a job well done. I just don’t think it’s healthy for that to happen all the time.

So back to teaching!

If I don’t teach by rewards what do I do?

Well I guess you could say I put value into knowledge learned or a project that’s been completed. I am the main parent so my mindset on teaching and learning has to be really clear because I know they will pick up on it.

I don’t teach when it seems like they are not interested.

We learn and experience life when anyone of us gets inspired at any moment and we listen. We listen to the idea. We listen to the passion & we witness each other’s growth.

There is another issue at hand if as a teacher we are force feeding information to someone who is clearly not about it.

Let it go & come back at another time when the passion and inspiration is there.

That’s the whole point of homeschooling. We have the time!

Thanks for reading this weeks blog!


There was a deeper issue & I felt it

There was a deeper issue & I felt it

Organic homeschooling

Organic homeschooling