There was a deeper issue & I felt it

There was a deeper issue & I felt it

Long time no type! First i’d like to update you all on my new Youtube channel!

Eventually I will have a blog write up for each video.

For now here is the newest vlog on my channel. Feel free to subscribe, like & share.

HAHA - that’s what they all say right?

Ok - so here we go deep into a story about my 8yo daughter & I.

We have been stuck in the sniffles & the coughs for the last few weeks. No big deal but we have canceled just about all play dates in order to heal & rest.

The conflict between my two daughters has been at an all time high - I’d say for the last 5 days.

No biggie - it has given me opportunities to stay present & mindful. I mean a conflict free house sounds wonderful! It’s just not possible all the time.

Today I split them up so I could get the story of what happened from them individually.

Nothing new - sometimes we are able to do this together but not when it gets out of control.

Safety is #1.

Let’s paint a picture shall we?

I’m outside with Ry.

We’re both sitting.

She is going buck wild with all the feels. I am taking deep breaths to stay calm and focused.

We get to a point where she is able to talk and share her side of the story. Now this story isn’t as important - not to say it’s not important to them - because obviously it is. I just knew there was a deeper reason why this same issue has been happening for the past 5 days.

I listened. I asked how she wanted to go forward and then I brought Quinn out. We both listened to her and asked her the same question. Greaaaat - were getting to a solution to move us forward.

All of a sudden I just had this feeling! As I mentioned above. I knew there was something bothering Ry on a deeper level.

I asked a question.

“Honey, is there something else that’s currently happening that you feel anger towards?”


Then the better question came.

“Do you think you might be feeling angry & sad because you haven’t seen your friends in a while? I know you mentioned that a few days ago - that you would like to see them and how you were feeling sad you couldn’t.”


Cue the tears from Ry & cue the hands outreached from me to support this wave of feelings.

I haven’t had a parent win quite this intense in a long time!

As I’m holding her she tells me all her feelings and I try my best to listen.

I’d like to think I was able to connect to her feelings and my mama intuition because I just spent the last 20 minutes or so relaxed.

& instead of proclaiming my knowing - I put it in a question.

When handing situations I have found it’s best not to make it seem like what I know is truth. Honestly I could have been wrong or she was could have not wanted to talk about that with me.

It’s all good.

I wanted her to feel and figure it out for herself- through a question. In this moment she was feeling safe with me and was able to release some feelings.

Just wanted to share this little 30 minute win today in case your kids are also feeling stressed and lashing out in odd ways. I know sometimes when I’m angry & sad and don’t take the time to feel those feels - I 100% can misplace them and cause more conflict with others.

Having open communication & being able to feel safe is important to our family’s growth.

Have you experienced a win within your family recently? Share in the comments!

until next time - xoxo

We are responsible for our own history. We write it. We become it.

We are responsible for our own history. We write it. We become it.

We don't. We unschool.

We don't. We unschool.