Unschooling :: let them learn what they want to learn

Unschooling :: let them learn what they want to learn

Starting this out with a bomb quote.

The people who are horrified by the idea that children learning what they want to learn when they want to learn it have not accepted the very elementary psychological fact that people (all people, every age) remember the things that are important to them - the things they need to know - and forget the rest.

-Daniel Quinn

Let me start out by saying, if you struggle here - you are not alone.

I constantly have to remember that the basics will be learned and the rest is fueled by passions.

Like reading. We all need to learn how to read - correct?

The unschooling way would be to read to your kids often, answer their questions when they ask what that sign says, and provide them with the rules on sounding out letters.

There is no need to force anyone to learn anything. It’s very much go with the flow type of lifestyle.


Speaking of forcing. Let’s talk freedom. Children are required to be in school, where their freedom is greatly restricted, a lot more than adults would tolerate in a workspace.

They are required to spend their time in this type environment - not realizing how kids actually learn.

Deeply, fully & with fiery passion.

Like you and me - eh?

So when we look out into the world and compare how our homeschool / unschool children are learning to those in a school system - I like to backtrack to that quote.

How many of you only remember what you learned because you found it interesting?


Do you remember all those levels of math that was required of you to graduate?

I don’t.


What if we flip the script.

We focus on what our kids want to learn. We focus on their passions. We let them lead us.

We can cut out everything else.

So you might be sitting back and wondering - well some of those classes will help them in their future because who knows what they will get into.

What if they decided they loved writing and wanted to write a book?

Part of unschooling is guiding them when they need more help.

In that case we would do research, maybe find another mentor that can teach about written word, or we can even let them just write and experience the creative learning process.

Let them make mistakes and learn from them.

When I am sparked by a passion or feel inspired to start something new - I research, I learn, I practice and practice some more.

Learning through experience.

Our children need that too!

Just because they are small does not mean they can’t think for themselves. They know what they like to do.

Living life as an unschooler has also opened my eyes.

How am I a role model?

Do I follow my passions and also trust the creative process?

The answer is yes. Although It took me a long time to have the courage to follow my passions & enough confidence to keep going.

To experiment right along side of them. To enjoy life without having to worry about getting that lesson in.

Life is the lesson & this is the unschooling way.


Hey y’all thanks so much for taking the time to read my thoughts on unschooling.

If you have any questions please send an email or jump on down to the comments section below.

If you are new to unschooling and are interested in learning more - head on over to my social media links for some inspiration.


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