The Ledgerbook of Thomas Blue Eagle

The Ledgerbook of Thomas Blue Eagle

This book. This book right here.

Is a good one. In fact it took all my might to finish the last few pages.

… “I have also learned that the white man does not see with the eyes in his heart and that he does not hear our Mother Earth crying.”

Cue choked up cries - as I read this to my girls for a bedtime story.

As we ended our cross country road trip to our final destination at the Grand Canyon Village - I knew I had to scoop up some good books. For now on at any location we travel to - I will make sure to check out local gift shops. I stumbled upon a few gems - including this one.

Although this book is about a fictional character - the artist was able to tell his story in narrative form using both the white man’s words and the Indians’ picture stories.

As a white women myself I can’t help but feel this to be a cycle within our current society.

Of course right?!

…”Wisdom comes to us in dreams. When I am home, I will run on the Plains, with Two Painted Horse, free like the wind. I will cherish our Mother Earth and her gifts. I will open my arms again to the Great Powers and honor the dreams they send to me.”

Cue more cries. It’s always about coming back home to ourselves. It’s about looking through the lens of everything being connected in every which way. It’s about trusting our knowing & trusting all.

I won’t share the entire story here with you because I totally recommend you purchasing this book & having conversations with your kids + yourself with emotions that arise.

Buttttttt….. that cycle I was talking about. Yeah - I’m talking about the cycle of the school system. At Least that is where the story took my thoughts. I made a big post on fb recently about a calling. A lifestyle you could say of unschooling. I mentioned how before the world’s children were captured they were free to learn. Free to be with family, friends & community. They learned to hunt & gather. They were apart of something bigger - something natural & made with love + intention.

We are all Thomas Blue Eagle. May we return to our homes & be with those great powers again.


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