What I've Learned About Myself

What I've Learned About Myself

I had some sudden insights to a few learning moments as the moon is VOC.

Silly me - thinking I could just clean the house quick and not stop to do some work. Every time man- every time.

Lesson 1 | Less Talk - More Do

Less talk - more do. I’m dead serious. I used to ask the opinion of those around me BEFORE I made a decision.

Now? Well now I decide first about an idea and then I talk about it. ( I mean for the most part. )

The difference?

Sure it’s nice to get opinions from others but I realized that could deater me from even trying out my idea!

Has this ever happened to you?

& it also steps away from our inner knowing. Our inner knowing is everything!

To me this is efficient living. Although this is my personality type - you may feel the opposite!

I have to let go of doubt by a huge degree and replace that spot with self confidence.

I realized the less I questioned my ideas the easier and more inflow I am. I don’t give myself a chance to second guess ANYTHING.

When an idea comes to us it means we are open enough to receive it. I choose to believe all the little ideas turn into big massive movements & ties into why I am here. Why WE are here.

We are all here for a reason. SO DON’T SECOND GUESS THOSE IDEAS!!!!!

What I’m learning is that it is a little different if ideas include other people. I’M FOR REAL WHEN I TELL YOU - that if I have reached out to you, it’s because of an idea. A thought. When my knowing said, “HEY MESSAGE THIS PERSON AND DO THIS THING! NOW!”

This is where my patience comes in. ^ Up there - that is my self confidence that I CAN DO IT! But if others are involved - I’ll have an idea and I’ll let it go. I don’t connect myself to it much because it’s a collaboration. A collaboration needs flexibility. What if that person wants nothing to do with you. Well, when there is not a connection to the idea - we can let it go. Making space for the right person to come along with a new idea and collaboration. BINGO!!!! I’m good at that.

It’s only when the project needs time to unfold. That is where my current lesson lies.

I tell myself this…

Patience dear Krystal. Disconnect a bit and step back. You put the work in. Let’s watch how this unfolds.

Then I give a big smile to the world and I take a hike.

Hiking Into the Grand Canyon | South Kaibab Trail

Hiking Into the Grand Canyon | South Kaibab Trail

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Thoughts on Bill to Remove Religious Exemption