A mama poem

A mama poem

Feeling deep feels as my kids grow older.

In order for me to embrace new stages of life - It’s important for me to feel, express and let go.

Also if you watch the video down below - the kids burst in at the perfect time. Totally was not planned 💛

A mama poem

a child comes into the world

we are their mama

we feed them from our breasts

we bathe with them in our baths

we lay their head by our heart

we rest and repeat

this child becomes a toddler

less time near our bodies

for they are wild about the world

exploring around mamas feet

we rest and repeat

our toddler then becomes a young lady

pushing limits with freedom on her finger tips

climbing trees gracefully in their favorite dress

forever hearing - watch me mama

for they are proud to show you what their bodies can do

begging you to see the world through their eyes

rest and repeat

you feel the change

as its been changing daily, weekly, & yearly

watching them become

this time is precious

this time is only here for a moment

rest now doesn’t come easy, mama

for each passing day calls us to let go just a bit more

knowing deeply this is only a transition

knowing now rest means holding that young lady in your arms

supporting her in ways that feel new

holding onto the memories and holding space for those to come

crack my heart wide open child

i am here for this

i am here for you

I’m in it deep mamas. Do you feel me?

The knowing

The knowing

My childhood will not be theirs

My childhood will not be theirs