Wildschooling + homeownership

Wildschooling + homeownership

I don’t know about you guys but my TO DO list has been mega long.

From squeezing in reading lessons to building that cucumber trellis.

That’s why I decided to take the kids on a walk through the forest & make time to reflect.

Life doesn’t slow down until we tell it to

& even then it’s a toss up.

The shift has happened. We have gone from wild and free - have no plans to now making a to do list in the morning and getting it done.

Who am I?

This is what we wanted. We wanted a place to call our own & we wanted land to be able to do all the things.

We were being called to take responsibility.

& to take action to make that happen.

I also didn’t want to forget about our roots & the foundation I built when the kids were young.

During this walk - we all had memories of years past going swimming here, watching the fish, spending time with friends in the woods and so much more.

I was all about wildschooling.

So our days were filled with wild spaces that were not at home.

We would pack our bags for the day and not have a care in the world for where we were going.


Plot twist!

We bought a home. Everything changed. This has been a record for us! We have not gone on a hike away from home in at least 3/4 months!

Again - Who are we?

If a value of mine is wildschooling my babes then what have we been doing during these last few months?

Rebuilding our foundation

Getting settled, painting walls and planning bedrooms.

What I have also noticed is the way we have been plotting out our land.

We want it to be an experience.

We want it to feel like an adventure.


Above all else I wanted to feel that peace I felt when being surrounded by growth & greenery on our hikes.

Wildschooling at home.

Of course wildschooling for us will now look a bit different as we spend most of our days enjoying the fruit of our labor in our own yard. Don’t worry the beach and forest still calls and we will soon adventure there more.

The point was to find & create our own wild so we didn’t feel like we needed to escape everyday.

Wild can be where you make it.

Create your own wild.

Unschooling :: let them learn what they want to learn

Unschooling :: let them learn what they want to learn

Why do we homeschool?

Why do we homeschool?