Go ahead - shame them

I get being tossed into solitary confinement alone or with your family has had its effects but there is only one way out. Choose empathy. There is more to the story then you or I know.

How can we hold space for our world’s problems if we can’t hold space for our own & loved ones?

How to hold space for a child

When we hold space for a child - we open our hearts to them, listen without judgment, shame & try to keep our solutions to ourselves.

We hold them as their tears fall down their face.

We listen as anger takes the wheel and they yell and scream about what their sister did.

We don’t fix. We don’t fix. We don’t fix.

Life unscheduled

“Get very clear about the kind of world we would like and then start living that way.”

Marshall B. Rosenberg

This quote fires me up!

Choose what you want to do & do it. Do it because that’s the change you want to see in the world.

That’s my perception.

& my goodness everything is unfolding around us in just this way.

This week I’m sharing updates on the homestead.

Life as we knew it

We are getting a dose of what our school systems require our youth to learn.

Maybe we are being reminded just how hard spending 8 hours at school is. Teacher to teacher, class to class.

The only difference is their schooling is at home - for us to see.

The nature loving child

So many many articles + books written on the importance of sending our kids outside. Less screens & more play, right?

Of course, but what I’m here to share with you right here + right now, is just how simple it is to raise a nature loving child. It doesn’t require you to book four expensive plane tickets to a national park, or even require you to get into the car. If you have a patch of grass, that is enough.